Robert King Carter's Correspondence and Diary

   A Collection Transcribed
        and Digitized
   by Edmund Berkeley, Jr.

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Electronic Text Center , University of Virginia Library


Letter from Robert Carter to Colonel Thomas Lee, December 7, 1727

     Robert Carter writes to Colonel Thomas Lee, December 7, 1727, concerning land desired by Lee, and expressing his low opinion of surveyor John Savage.

Letter from Robert Carter to Colonel Thomas Lee, December 7, 1727

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[Corotoman, Lancaster County, Virginia]

Decr: 7. 1727

Collo: Lee

Sir --

     I will allow You are better acquainted than I am with
the geography of the forrest lands of Staffd but I have another view in desiring
an interest in a landing place that Affords a good Carriage to it
near the falls of the river than you think fit of G. Tubervile is more cha
green'd at yr late Entry there than my self had his father not kept

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his letter too long he would have been before yo: in that Entry when yo:
are pleased to pursue the inclinations of service to me with suitable
performances I shall always account myself indebted to endeavour
proper retaliations

     If yr judgement & mine happens to differ in the
rules of my proceeding I can't help that my own reason must be my
Dictator & not another mans when yo: fall into Exclamations agt:
Savage I am very forward to beleive them having found him out in so
many of his tricks indeed no mortal that I hear of with whom he
hath been concerned with give him a good word & yet from an Epis-
tle came to my hands [illegible] just now if yo: would allow him to be the painter of
his own Character yo: must take him to be a Saint & that all the Storys
which are reported of him are the Effects of malice falshood, & injustice; bidding
defyance to [illegible] all his enemys to prove the least of them before an im=
partial judicature I do not remember to have said I should have no re=
gard to Hoops warrant which is this day return'd to me by Savage with
the plat for three hundred ninety five acres [illegible] in order to have a deed
the Enclosed paper will let yo: into the Affair more particularly

     You Urge to have the surplus above the warrant
and in such place as will best answer to yr. conveniancy Certainly
upon reflection yo: will think this by no means to be right if the quantity
expressed in the warrant Were nicely to be kept to the proprs: ought to turn out
the land in such place as they should chuse & not where the pretending pers
on desires it this is the strictest equity but yo: know we never tye men down
exactly to the quantity of their warrants sometimes the surveyr gives
them more sometimes less

     Upon the whole if yo: can propose away how I may
with justice do yo: service in stopping this Deed to Hoops Assignees I
shall be enclinable to come into it

     Savage hath often sent me warrants with
Assignments on the backsides & seldom fails to be a witness somet=
imes warrants that have issued in other mens names he hath
assigned to himself in this practice I have often suspected he hath
imposed Upon me I am

Sir Yor most humble servt.


Source copy consulted: Robert Carter Letter Book, 1727 April 13-1728 July 23, Carter Family Papers, Virginia Historical Society, Richmond.

The name of Carter's home, "Corotoman," the county, and colony have been added for clarity to this unheaded draft.

[1] Thomas Lee (1690-1750) of Westmoreland County was the son of Richard Lee II, and nephew of Edmund Jenings; he would build "Stratford," and succeed Carter on the Council. For a good article on Thomas Lee, see "Thomas Lee of Stratford 1690-1750" by Jeanne A. Calhoun on Stratford plantation's website. ( Burton J. Hendrick. The Lees of Virginia: Biography of a Family. [Boston: Little Brown, 1935]. pp. 48, 51, etc. )

[2] John Savage was a surveyor, later (1734) to be employed by Lord Fairfax while attempting to establish the boundaries of the proprietary. He had been appointed surveyor for King George County the year after that county was formed in 1720, and was referred to then as "gentleman." He was surveyor of Stafford County when he particpated in the Fairfax survey. ( Genealogies of Virginia Families from Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine. [Genealogical Publishing Co, 1981] Vol. I [of 4]:473; Brown. Virginia Baron. . . . pp. 83, 86, 88, 92; and Harrison. Landmarks. . . . p. 619. )

This text, originally posted in 2004, was revised May 23, 2014, and January 26. 2015, to add footnotes and strengthen the modern language version text.