Robert Carter writes to Captain George Turberville of Westmoreland County, September 6, 1727, that he cannot send the land warrant that Turberville and Frank Awbrey want because the description of the land is too vague. Also, he expects to be paid the necessary fees because he has about 100 warrants in the office for which he has never been paid.
I had Frank Awbrys
Letter of the 5th: of June
and now I have yours repeating the Same places but they are so loose
and so unintelligible that I shall give no warrants upon Such un
certain places where it will lie in the breast of the Persons taking them
out to lay off the Lands almost where
they please nor do I think it proper
upon every fellows Letter that will write to me for warrants im
medately to Issue them without the Fees being paid I believe I have
now a hundred warrants out that I have never received a groat
nor I believe never shall there are Several large Entries for Lands in
those parts which must be Served before Awbrys. Colonel Mason
had two warrants last week for some Lands thereabouts One
for four thousand Acres, Captain Elliott made an Entry for four
thousand Acres when he was up
down, Colonel Page
has Entered
for Ten thousand Acres and I have a large Warrant out upon
the Account of Some of my Children If when these are all Served
the Land Awbry aims at if he will describe it more Particularly
I will Endeavour no new offerer Shall have it,
I dont know what Deed you want from me
I Sent one Deed to Meeks
long ago with Orders to deliver it
you im
mediately and I now Send you another for 459 Acres which is all
the Deeds of yours in the Office that I can find Shall add no more at
Present but