Robert King Carter's Correspondence and Diary

   A Collection Transcribed
        and Digitized
   by Edmund Berkeley, Jr.

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Electronic Text Center , University of Virginia Library


Letter from Robert Carter to William Robertson, June 21, 1727

     Robert Carter writes to William Robertson, clerk of the Council, June 21, 1727, giving him information about the plan for the convoying of the merchant ships in the colony as they sail for Britain, and requesting that he be sent all the public papers so that he can see that they are sent off with the fleet. He is especially concerned that the "Order for the Embargo Should go."

Letter from Robert Carter to William Robertson, June 21, 1727

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[Corotoman, Lancaster County, Virginia]
Mr. Wm. Robertson      
June the 21st: 1727


     I suppose er'e now you know what Effects my
last Letter had upon Capt: Pearse he Consents to make up the
Fleet at Kiccotan and Sets the 30th: for the Day of his Sailing and
will if possible have his Ship in a Condition to Joyn the latter
Fleet the 25th: of July,

     I have not much to Say to you now only an out
of the way Complaint from Maryland forcing me to Send
the Complainer to Town to the Atturney General to have his dir
ections in takeing out the proper process I would not Slip the
Opportunity of Sending this Line to you . You must by all
means Send me all the publick Letters and papers time Enough
for me to Send them away by that they may not fall Short of this Fleet. Notice is Sent away
by Express to our Ships that they may hasten in their geting down
am told there are Several near being ready Colonel Lees Express packet is also got got home last night
at Eleven aClock . Two Vessells before my Door had Just Cleard out
My Son made a shift to get them under Embargo Bonds this
morning so that thus far things run Smooth,

     I heard of a Ship came into York Yesterday and
her Guns reachd me but I could not Stay to hear her news --
All the minuits of the last Council Journal cant be Sent away for want
of reading but it is Absolutely necessary the Order for the Embargo Should
go and and pray let it not be Omitted

     I am not at all well after my Journey and yet a flood
of business will not Suffer me to Indulge a Poor Shatterd Constitution

I am                                                             Yor: most humble Servt:


Source copy consulted: Robert Carter Letter Book, 1727 April 13-1728 July 23, Carter Family Papers, Virginia Historical Society, Richmond. There is a nineteenth-century copy of this letter in the Minor-Blackford Papers, James Monroe Law Office and Museum, Fredericksburg, Virginia. The unknown copyist recorded this text probably from the letter book which is used here as the copy text.

"Corotoman," the name of Carter's home, the count,y and colony have been added for clarity to the unheaded draft.

[1] Captain Vincent Pearse was the commander of the Tartar, the British warship on station in the colony. (McIlwaine. Executive Journals of the Council. . . . , 4[1721-1739]:136. )

[2] Kecoughtan was the old name for the area later known as Elizabeth City; it is where the city of Hampton lies today.

[3] The "Complainer" was Richard Thacker. See Carter's letter to Attorney General John Randolph of this same date.

[4] Williamsburg

[5] Thomas Lee (1690-1750) of Westmoreland County was the son of Richard Lee II, and nephew of Edmund Jenings; he would build "Stratford," and succeed Carter on the Council. For a good article on Thomas Lee, see "Thomas Lee of Stratford 1690-1750" by Jeanne A. Calhoun on Stratford plantation's website. ( Burton J. Hendrick. The Lees of Virginia: Biography of a Family. [Boston: Little Brown, 1935]. pp. 48, 51, etc. )

[6] Robert Carter II was the naval officer for Carter's home district. The Council at its meeting June 14, 1727, had established an embargo that prohibited ships leaving the colony unless they sailed in a convoy. (McIlwaine. Executive Journals of the Council. . . . , 4[1721-1739]:138. )

This text, originally posted in 2003, was revised November 8, 2012, and January 26, 2015.