Robert Carter writes to William Cage, trustee of the Fairfax estate, July 21, 1726, to chide him for not writing at least annually which Carter hopes he willl do in the future. He believes that the Northern Neck case has been carried to England by the colony's attorney general. He notes that his receipts of quit rents from the Northern Neck propietary come in very slowly, and he hopes that Cage will not press for the lease rent each year. And he hopes that Cage will allow him credit for money that Edmund Jenings overpaid to the proprietors, and which Jenings has withheld from payments due Carter.
I am sorry I have not bin so much in yor:
favr: to receive one Line from you this year, Mr. Perry
indeed tells me he had promisd you to Solicite the Stated case
of the Northern Neck
at the board of trade,
but that it was
not sent thither by our Govr:
who hath bin in a very ill
State of health for a great while, which probably may
have bin the Occasion of this Omission Mr. Clayton
Atturney General went for England in one of our forward
Ships I suppose he may have Carried it with him, Mr. Perry
hath Sent me your receipt for £420"-"-pd: you in March
last, my rent for the year, 1725 Altho this money hath bin
so long paid from me, I have not yet rec'd the Sixth part of it
which I hope will be a moving Argument to you, to be as
patient as possible in Allowing me all the time you can
for the paying my rents in, The Merchants by keeping my
Tobbo. year after year unsold have laid me under difficu=
-lties I have not bin used to before, --
In my Letter dated July the 19th: 1725 I sent
you a Clear Acct: of your Case with Coll Jennings,
which it appears plainly he overpaid you by my hands
Thirty nine pounds fourteen Shill, this money he Stop[s]
from me as a paymt: from him being Considerably in
my debt, and I had hopes to receive orders from you about
it, that I might be allowd to pay you so much Short of
my rent, which I think is but a reasonable proposal
I make my request to you now to have recourse to my
Letter and Acct: I sent you and that you will allow this
money to be discounted out of my next years rent
I have been informd your Affairs Cheifly lye in
the Country, that you are not fond of the fateigues of the Town
however I cannot refrain desireing you will please to
allow me the favour to have a Letter from you once a year
at least, My humblist Service I desire may be presented
to his Lordship
I am