Robert Carter writes to the trustee of the Fairfax estate,William Cage, of County Kent, England, June 30, 1724, concerning the possibility of obtaining a new lease of the agency of the Northern Neck proprietary. He observes that he makes no money at all from his lease because rents, when he can collect them, are paid in tobacco the value of which is very low, and which rents are further devalued by cheating tax collectors and planters who falsely mark tobacco casks which they fill with "trash."
I have already given you the trouble
of a long letter to day [sic
this please to receive in answer to
some other parts of your letter you tell me you are ready
to treat with me for a further leas
I have accordingly im=
powred Mr Perry
to transact it with you for eight or ten
years longer if his Lordship
and you think fit not in expec=
tation of living through that time but in hopes my son
may be able to serve you after my death. I flatter my self [sic
will be so generous you will abate me the od twenty pound
per Annum which was more then Col: Jennings
gave, you
know the fate he hath met with in your business a consi=
derable part of his ruin is owing to it I can truly say I do
not get the mony by your estate I give you for it and all the
trouble I have been
at in the management of it which is abundance
hath been thus far entirely given away, my greatest hopes
are of some time or another meeting with a hit for Tobo. that
may make me amends.
I have said a great deal to you to convince you of
my hard bargain; Mr Perry pritty well knows the
circumstances of the affair the poor value of the Tobo. your
rents are payd in the great difficulty & charge of getting
it together the baseness & frauds of Collectors & officers the
cheats of the Planters in paying away their trash & false
their Cask ad to all this the great quantities of
land that are still unpay'd for which I have yet been
able to get no rents from and am as far from doing
of it as I was the first hour I was concerned. If you
will please to consider all these things and discourse
them freely with Mr. Perry I think he will be