Robert King Carter's Correspondence and Diary

   A Collection Transcribed
        and Digitized
   by Edmund Berkeley, Jr.

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Electronic Text Center , University of Virginia Library


Letter from Robert Carter to [Mr. Randall], April 7, 1724

     Robert Carter writes to [Mr. Randall], April 7, 1724, to inform the attorney that he has written the attorney general to initiate "out lawry" proceedings against the murderer, Thomas Glascock, and has let Clayton know that Randall will assist in the matter. He alerts Randall that his daughter Elizabeth Burwell's "Imprudent Match" with Dr. George Nicholas will likely produce some law suits as he is the guardian for the Burwell children, and is acting executor of the Burwell estate. He expects Randall's assistance in these legal matters.

Letter from Robert Carter to [Mr. Randall], April 7, 1724

-1 -

[Corotoman, Lancaster County, Virginia]
Aprill the 7th: 17234 [sic ]

     According to your advice to my Son
I have written to Mr. Attorney to prosecute a out --
Lawry against the murderer Thomas Glasscock and --
have told him as you are my Lawyer for the propri
etors business
would be ready to give him you Assis

     Mrs: Burwells Imprudent Match with --
Doctor Nicolas It is likely may Engage me in some Law
Suits upon my own Accot: as I am Guardian to Mr --
Children And as I am his Acting Executor
As you are already my Lawyer I canot doubt of your --
Assistance in these Affairs Colonel Page I Expect has al
ready written to Engage you however having this Opor
tunity by Captain Eskridge I thought it not amiss to let you
know the intire dependance I have upon you who
am Sir

Your most humble Servt:


Source copy consulted: Robert Carter letter book, 1723 June 16-1724 April 23, Robert Carter Papers (acc. no. 3807), Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia.

The name of Carter's home, "Corotoman," the county, and colony have been added for clarity to this unheaded draft.

In a letter to Attorney General John Clayton, April 7, 1724, that follows two on the same subjects in the letter book, Carter identifies his attornies as "Mr. Holloway and Mr. Randall." As one letter indicates an acquaintanceship of long standing, it has been selected as one directed to John Holloway, and this one to Randall who has not been identified.

[1] "William Forrester had been murdered on November 5, 1723, by Thomas Glascock whose son Gregory was named as an accessory." Carter had noted Glascock's capture in his diary on November 13th: "Collo Barber acquaints me me he had Seizd Glascocks who had fled for Murther his Estate Coll Tarpley in the behalf of Glascocks Heir offers to Enter the Land as Escheat " The lands reverted to the proprietors, and Carter apparently managed them for some years for the benefit of Glascock's heirs; he later acquired title to the properties which are mentioned in his will. (Ryland. Richmond County Virginia. . . . p. 101.

This text, originally posted in 2002, was revised August 25, 2011, to strengthen the modern language version text.