Robert Carter writes to London merchant Micajah Perry, January 29, 1724, concerning his repayment of the £1,500 that the merchant had advanced and used to purchase the post of Secretary of the colony for Carter's son John.
In Yors. of the 2d of Augst. You tell me the Method I had
Proposd to repay You the fiveteen hundred Pound which You
Advancd for my Son's place,
You were contented with. In the
last fleet, I order'd You half the money & in the Next that is by the
Summer Ships, I shall order You the Remainder, & will like=
wise bear the burthen of the Charge of his pattent, so that I reckon
no Interest will be due to You, although he tells me, he became
Obligd to You in two Bonds for the payment of this money, which
in Justice You will think proper to return to him cancelld,
The Four hundred pound which I order'd for his Equipage
in the half whereof You have chargd me with & the other half
Mr. Dawkins
paid to You, I believ'd was sufficient for those
Expences, & therefore reckon there remains behind no Incum=
=brances upon him, I have Endeavour'd to get into these secrets
but he hath always Avoided giving me sattisfaction, He
now lives In James river & hath not been at my house these
six months past.
I need not tell You, You want not money of mine in Yor.
hands from which I reap no benefit to make You amends for the
Money You Advancd for my Sons place, So that my Expectation
as well as my precaution & former resolution, of paying no Inter
=est for this money was Grounded upon a very reasonable founda
the other Book