Robert Carter writes to London merchant William Dawkins, July 31, 1723, concerning Dawkins's offer to assist in the purchase Lloyd's Virginia estate [which Carter had managed for some years]. He understands that an arbritation of his "controversie" with Wise [in England] had resulted in payment into Micajah Perry's hands but he has not heard about it from Perry. Friends have seen letters recently arrived in Virginia that declare the bill including the prohibition of stemmed tobacco into England is a "Certainty" which "will have a very fatal Effect upon us." He turns to his instructions to Dawkins to return his son Robin to Virginia, noting that he had thought he might arrive in the current ship, but directs Dawkins to send Robin with Captain Benjamin Graves if he sails early.
Upon taking a review of Your Lettrs. My Memory
is refreshd with a Clause in one of them, In which You
Offer to Serve me in the Purchase of Mr. Loyds Estate,
I believe
I have already writ Something to You in Answer, but don't
at present remember what, I Sent a full State of this whole
Affair to Mr Perry,
& have told him, Your Offer to be concernd
for me in It, Mr Jno. Willis by a Lettr. to my Son, makes a
loose proposal of the Sale of this Estate, which of You are the most
Intimate with the Willis's I don't know nor what their Interest
In It is, If You can be Instrumental, In this matter I Shall
be Obligd to You for It --
I dont know how My Controversie with Mr. Wise lyes
is lately arrivd Into James River, I hear of
no Lettrs. for me yet, but a Friend of mine from Gloster Court which
Was five days ago, Acquaints me he Saw severall Lettrs. that
came in by Hopkins which gave an Accot. of the Certainty of
the Prohibition
of all Stemd Tobo. this news we Expect will
have a very fatal Effect upon us when the Act comes to
take place, but
We flatter our selves that what Stemd Tobo. gets home before the
time, will be advanc'd by it.
Upon Your telling me You will Send my Son Robin
In the Summer, I had Some thoughts he would have come in, in this Ship
but Surely You will not pretend to Keep him any longer than
the first Ships of the next Fleet. I had rather Benja. Graves
should have the care of him than any other, if he be an Early
Ship, but not Else by any means I am --