Robert Carter writes to [Edmund Jenings] of York County, July 6, 1723, to remind Jenings of the interest payments now due Carter. He tells Jenings that his neighbor, Philip Smith, will carry the letter to Williamsburg, but knows nothing of the contents. Carter's son, John, will deliver the letter if he should be in town. He also reminds Jenings of sums due to the proprietors, and writes that he cannot wait later than September first for this money.
Having now this good
opportunity by my neighbour Captain Phil=
=lip Smith
I think it proper to desire
you to send me your bills of Exchange
the interest money that is now due me;
to wit, for the fifteen pound
due me upon
the 5th of April
last and for the sixty
pounds due upon the 1st of this instant:
and if you send me any other bills I
expect your endorsement upon them.
Upon receipt of your bills as aforesaid
I do hereby promise to send or give you a
discharge for them as soon as you shall desire.
Captain Smith knows nothing of the
contents of this letter. I have written
to my son about it; and if he is in
town, have directed him to wait upon
you with this letter.
The Proprietor's
money that is yet unpaid at least
so much of it as you own to be due in the Accot: you settled
under your hands when I came out of Town, I press you
very earnestly to be Expetitions in paying to me That I
may be able to transmit to them
their Bills to them by some
of our later ships, I am very desirous to do you all the
Service I can and as this matter has been carried on
thus far carried on Amicably, so I should be glad it may
be finished so, and I am willing to wait until the first
of September for your payment but longer I cannot
Stay, I shall not be just to the propirietors nor Escape
their Censure if I omit of any longer delay, please
to give my Service to your Lady and Son and believe
me to be Sir