Robert Carter writes to his son, Robin (Robert Carter, Jr.), then in England at school, July 5, 1723, that he was sorry not have had a letter from him on the Carter, but understands he was away when she sailed. He reviews the arrangements for Robin's return to the colony if he has not already sailed because merchant William Dawkins has kept Robin longer in England than Carter intended. He concludes that Robin's brother Charles may return with him or stay as he chooses.
It seems you were out of the way way when the
left London so I had no Letter from you, I Expected you
in the last Fleet with Mr. Pratt, but Mr. Dawkins
kept you beyond my orders, his last Letter tells me he
would take the first good opportunity to send you away
Mr. Dawwkins give [s]
you a very good word and
flatters me I shall not repent the money you have sp [ent]
me at the School he sent you to after you came from
Mr. Lows
I am apt to think you will be come away
before this reaches you, but if not my positive Orders
are to Mr. Dawkins that he send you into me in the
first good Ship bound out for our River if the Carter
be as forward in her coming away as any of the rest, I
had rather you should come with Captain Graves
than any
body Else, These orders I now send to you also ch [arg]
you upon your duty upon any pretence whatsoever not
to disobey them, pray God send you a good voyage and
grant us a happy meeting
if he has an Inclination either to come I have left it to his own choice
along with you
or to be either to come along with you
sent away next Spring
or to be sent away next Spring I am