Robert King Carter's Correspondence and Diary

   A Collection Transcribed
        and Digitized
   by Edmund Berkeley, Jr.

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Electronic Text Center , University of Virginia Library



Letter from Robert Carter to [William Cage], January 3, 1722

     Robert Carter writes to [William Cage], January 3, 1722, trustee of the owner of the Northern Neck proprietary, concerning bills of exchange for £400 poounds from Edmund Jenings which Carter had sent the previous summer, and enclosing a copy of a receipt [not present] from Cage to Thomas Lee for £103 plus. Carter tells Cage that he understands these payments are to be deducted from Jenings' debt to the proprietors which he wishes to have confirmed. He needs answers to questions he has sent previously.

Letter from Robert Carter to [William Cage ], January 3, 1722

-1 -

Rappa [hannock, Lancaster County, Virginia]

Janr. 3d. 1721/22


     I hope Colonel Jennings's bills of exchange for £400
which I sent You last summer by the Ship Carter have met with
Due honor , Herewith I send You a Copy of Your own
receipt to Colonel Thomas Lee when he was in England for
£103"1"3"3/4 This money they tell me is to be deduct
=ed out of Colonel Jenings's Debt, if so there will remain
Due to You £296"18"7 1/2 I would Desire You to
lett me know the truth of this matter as Early as
You can and Shall also be glad to receive Answers
From You to the Letters I have wrote I am --

Your most Humble Servant



Source copy consulted: Robert Carter Letters, BR 227, folder 12, Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California. Printed: Wright. Letters of Robert Carter. . . . p. 109.

Robert Carter generally used a return address of "Rappahannock" for the river on which he lived rather than "Corotoman," the name of his home, on his correspondence to persons abroad. The county and colony have been added for clarity.

This is the recipient's copy. The address leaf bears: To| Wm. Cage Esqr| To be left with Messsrs. Perry| Merchts.| Via Bristol OF London, and is endorsed: Coll Carter Jany the 3rd 1721.

[1] A bill of exchange is a kind of check or promissory note without interest. It is used primarily in international trade, and is a written order by one person to pay another a specific sum on a specific date sometime in the future. If the bill of exchange is drawn on a bank, it is called a bank draft. If it is drawn on another party, it is called a trade draft. Sometimes a bill of exchange will simply be called a draft, but whereas a draft is always negotiable (transferable by endorsement), this is not necessarily true of a bill of exchange. ("Dictionary of Financial Scam Terms." 8/22/2005)

[2] Thomas Lee (1690-1750) of Westmoreland County was the son of Richard Lee II, and nephew of Edmund Jenings; he would build "Stratford," and succeed Carter on the Council. For a good article on Thomas Lee, see "Thomas Lee of Stratford 1690-1750" by Jeanne A. Calhoun on Stratford plantation's website. ( Burton J. Hendrick. The Lees of Virginia: Biography of a Family. [Boston: Little Brown, 1935]. pp. 48, 51, etc. )

This text revised July 31, 2009 and again January 26, 2015.