Robert Carter writes to his son John Carter, February 10, 1721,thenin London, concerning his lease of the Northern Neck proprietary,asking John to clarify with Colonel William Cage, one of LadyFairfax's trustees, whether land grants in the proprietary thatCarter makes must carry only the name of the underage Lord Fairfax,or those of his trustees as well. He turns to the question of theBrent Town grant within the proprietary, the need for a survey of its30,000 acres, and the difficulties that shroud taking up lands therewhen the bounds remain unknown. He asks John to pursue the questionof a survey with Robert Bristow, the current owner of the Brentongrant, and also asks him to contact the heirs of London Alderman JohnJeffreys concerning the 14,000 acres granted to Cadwallader Jones inStafford County that has not been settled, and which has not paidquit rents.
The Foregoing was to come by a Bristol man She passed
by with [outstop] ping Its necessary, to say something more to You
about the Northern Neck
affair, The Power of
Mentiond to You must be had and I must have the Proprietors
Directions in whose name theGrantsI make for Lands must
run whether in the LordFairfax's
namealone or with the
Addition of Colonel Cage
& the other Trustee of My Ladys will
I have sent to Mr. Perry
upon perusial of which
to AldermanBristow
and others Thirty Thousand Acres of
uncertainLands in the Back Woods at the rent of two
per a hundred Acres in 1688 he Releases this Rent and only
reserves the acknowledgemt. of a Beaver Skin Yearly in the
First Grant there is a Provisoe for my Lord to Survey in the
latter no notice of any such Provisoe, Brent a long time
ago makes aSettlement upon the Lower part of these lands
soon after hisDeath It was deserted and ever since hath
layn without anyCultivation from any of the Grantees
and the bounds of thisGrant wholly unknown to this day
where they will Extend whichmakes people mightily affra [id]
to takeup back Lands very much to the Damage of the
Proprietors and I Should think not at all to the advantage of
those that Claim this Grant for certainly the more the Lands are
Peopled thereabouts the more value will their Estate be of and
besides if Any persons shall take new Grants of the Lands by
Mistake & Should set down withtheir families and Improve
make chargable
Improvements thereon it would bea harsh Case and I believea
Difficult one to turn them of, upon the whole seeingaccord=
=ing to my Thoughts [everybody'sin]
terest Should prompt them
to Contribute what in them lies to give bounds to these Lands
withall possible Expedition I cantsee what shouldobstruct it
I shall do all I can when I receive
directions about It, but
parties were Consenting and willpay their proportion of the
Charge, You are accquainted withMr. Bristow
I believe and
You know where toapply to the Proprietors, I would have You
leave no Stone unturned to get this business Effected
put upon some
Foot or other It would be a mighty satisfaction to the people
as well as a benefit to all concernd.
Esquire Jeoffrys
holds 14,000 and
backwoods of Stafford County It was never
any quit Rents
nor are the bounds Certainly known. I would
have You know hismind about this Land and where I'm to apply
for my quit Rents, As I suppose the patents for them is in
the name of Cadwalliter Jones
who conveyed them over to the
Alderman or
After the Rents in my time will come to above four score
pound, I tell Mr. Perry
I have instructedYou in all these matters
and You will Ease him of the greatestpart of the trouble