Robert Carter writes to his son John, January 17, 1721,briefly reporting family news, and then turns to the newly-acquiredlease of the Northern Neck proprietary which he has just receivedfrom Micajah Perry in London. He informs John that he needs to havethe kind of power to make grants of land in the proprietary that hehad previously had from Lady Fairfax; he has sent a copy of thatpower to Perry, and directs John to have it signed before witnesseswho are coming to the colony.
I wrote to You plentifully in
Duplicates. Your Relations are all well at this time forwhat
I know pray God this may find You & Your
s [ta] te Your Sister Page
has a Son born.
I find in the lease Mr. Perry
Sent me forthe Northern Neck
You are one of the Witnessesindeed I desired him to make You
privy to that affair. I am afraid upon this fall of Tobacco It
will prove a verydisadvantagious bargain to me, I was always
per Annum for It there is norepenting I am now bound and
must do the best I can with It, onegreat perquisite to the
Estate arises from the Granting away thelands that are
Yet to take up I doubtnot the Lord Fairfax
& Colonel Cage
for their own Interst as well as mine designed me this Power
by their Lease & I shall proceed accordingly however I
would have a fuller power from them [I] have written to
Mr. Perry about It & have sent him a
received frommy Lady Fairfax to Draw another by, (rebus
I would have You be very careful of this
affair & to have It executed before a Suff
Witnesses bound to thisplace, when I am to Expect Your Company [?]
Dont Yet knowif notthis Shipping to be sure the next It must
be, with my