Robert Carter writes to London merchants Micajah and RichardPerry, July 14, 1720, asking them to find a schoolmistress for hisyounger children, and a replacement for his "Joyner" whose indenturewill expire in the spring. He adds that he approves of their charginghis account for money paid to the wife of his painter, Cotten, "an honest carefull Sober fellow" who plans to bring his wife and childto the colony. He asks the merchants to try to find employment forAdam and Benjamin Graves because their father had been "Yor.faithfull servt." In an addition to this letter written later,Carter notes that his account current does not reflect a payment toMadeira mechants that he had directed in an earlier letter, and asksthem to continue to press Mr. Cary to sell land to Carter; he wantsit because it is "Contiguous to mine . . . & was my Brors.Daugrs. Inheritance . . . ." He writes that he is enclosing aninvoice for some "selling Goods," thanks them for a gift of a box ofsmoking tobacco, and requests the same gift regularly as he has"grown a great Smoaker." He concludes that he hopes that politics "Ihave done wth. for the rest of my Days" but adds that the repressionsthat the colonists had attempted to redress had met with littlesuccess at home, commenting that there were some in the colony who"are ready to sacraficeAll That's Dear to us provided They may have a small Share in the honour and the profit & swim Glib in the Tide of Favour."
In my present condition I greatly want a Suitable
Woman forthe care and Education of my Younger Children a grave
person ofabt. 40 Years of Age. That hath bin well bredand
is of Goodreputation and hath bin
I would willingly Entertain, If It lyes in Yor. Powerto send me
in such a one upon reasonable wages It will be agreat
obligation to me,
My Joyner Cole who you sent me someYears ago
his time willbe expired Sometime the next spring such a tradesm
I shall never want Employ for If It lyes in Yor. way to send
me anotherThat is a workman You'l dome a favour --
You Charge me five pound paid to Cottens
wife my
Painter heis very well sattisfyed wth. It &intends to send for
hiswife and Child in to him next Year, he's realy an
A Comfortable
I understand both the Graves's Ben
aswell as Adam
continueout of Employ The Elder hath had anunfortunate
blow but I hadso much Experience of his ability & Integ
=rity That I cannotthink a fitter man can stand between
the two ends of a Ship,Their fathr. was a very good man &
Yor. faithfull servt. I should bevery glad You would assist
The Sons in helping them to employsuitable to their
in some of Yor.concerns
An Addition To this Lettr. two Leaves Further
The rest of this Lettr. to Mr.Perry two leaves back
In my Accot. Currt. I do not find my self
order'd to the Madera Gent [lemen] Messrs.Lovegrove, Miles &c by my
Lettr. of the 8th of Augst. last please to have recourse to that Letter
and to
Sometime since I writ to You about
to be a purchaser of It If hisDemands were reasonable & desir'd Yor.
Assistance in It, If there was any Intimacy
to my Son
upon The Same Subject he
abt. It who seems
=giously in his demand If I have any thing to say to It. I have now
Contiguousto mine makes me desireous to buy It. & was my
Daugrs. Inheritance Descended to her from her Mother. If You'l
give Your Influencing hand in this Affair It will be a particular
This accompas. an Invoyce for some
Inclined to have them in Wharton Than in any body else, Mr. Dawkin ['s]
Goods will come in The Carter
I reckon they may cost between three
and four hundred pound, a little Trade I must manage to pay off
Contingency's, &c altho I
Yor. present of a box of Tobo., something of the same favour Yearly
will be highly acceptable to me being grown a great Smoaker
Polliticks I hope I have done wth. for the rest of my Days, The essay
we have made to redress ourselves from some oppressions we Thot. we had
reason to complain under have
however hope some good may come of It to the Country in the End
Altho there are too many among us That are ready to sacrafice
All That's Dear to us provided They may have a small Share in the
honour and the profit & swim Glib in the Tide of Favour
but I have done wth. It & shall give You no further trouble at
present but that I am --