Robert King Carter's Correspondence and Diary

   A Collection Transcribed
        and Digitized
   by Edmund Berkeley, Jr.

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Electronic Text Center , University of Virginia Library


Letter from Robert Carter to Edward Tucker, July 13,1720

     Robert Carter writes to Weymouth merchant Edward Tucker, July 13,1720, concerning a bill of exchange, a shipment of 30 hogsheads oftobacco on board the Brimpton, Virginiaexpectations of a good marketfor tobacco with the Spanish and French markets now open, and smallernumbers of outport ships in the colony. He had expected to ship moretobacco by the Brimpton, but Captain Russelhad so much tobacco tocarry he was glad not to have to take more of Carter's which went toLondon. He adds that he has drawn a bill of exchange for £100to Edmund Jenings, complains mildly that he has not received currentaccounts from Tucker, doubles his order for wood flooring blocks, andrepeats an order for Southampton cyder. He concludes with orders forgood white wine and ale, having given up drinking red because of hisgout, and tells Tucker that Captain Russel will give him the Virginianews.

Letter from Robert Carter to EdwardTucker, July 13, 1720

-1 -

Rappahannock, [LancasterCounty, Virginia]

July 13th. 1720

Mr. Edwd. Tucker

Sir -- --

     In my last I Accquainted You I did not know
but that I haddrawn a bill upon you payable to one
Thompson since wch. I'm advisd twas drawn upon another person

     This Accompanies a bill of Lading for 30 hogsheads
of Tobo.on board the Brimpton 27 of them stemd I wish them
Safe & to a good Markett, We have hopes theSpanish
and the French Trade being both open & consideringthe outport
Ships are a great Deal fewer this year than they was
last, Tobo. may Do tollerably well, I had promist [sic] Captn.
[Giles] Russel 20 hogsheads for the newShip buthe was so overwhelmd
wth. Tobo.he was glad to quitt [sic] me & I have now sent It
for London,If You cannot find a way to keep pace wth.
that Market, you'l grow quite out of Credit wth. us.

     I have lately Drawn on You for £100 payable
to Edmund Jennings Esqr. wch. request you to Ansr. at
time, It would have bin very Sattisfactory to me
tohave received my Accot. Currt.from You, That I may
know upon wt. Ground I Stand, I shall go neer to make
some further use of You before This Summer's out
I will bewell If I Do not reckon my Self stronger in Yor.
books Thanreally I am, instead of 1,000 foot of Bd.
Paviour wch. I writ to You for beforeI now desire You
to Send me in two Thousand foot & also thesouth Ham Cyder [sic] I
writ [sic] toYou for before,

     Since I have bin afflicted wth. the Gout I have
quite left off Drinking redwine, I Drank more of Yor. Margoos
yesterday wth. Russell than Ihave done this twelve mo. If
You could send me in a Gross or 18 doz. of good White wine such
as Captn. Russell knows I love uponreasonable termes & in
good largebottles twould be acceptable, & If hebrings
me in 20 doz. of right Good Ale It would not be amiss
Yor. beer in cask dos not stand Itwell wt.ever is the reason
Yor.Master hath so large a budget of newes [sic] &is so good a
historian that I shall give my self no furtherTrouble but refer you wholly to him
& subscribe

Sir Yor. very humbleServt.


Source copy consulted: Robert CarterLetter Book, 1720 July-1721 July, BR 227, Huntington Library, ArtCollections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California. Printed:Wright. Letters of Robert Carter. . .. pp. 15-16.

Robert Carter generally used a return address of"Rappahannock" for the river on which he lived rather than"Corotoman," the name of his home, on his correspondence, especiallyto merchants abroad. The county and colony have been added forclarity.

[1] Captain Giles Russell commanded the Brimpton , a vessel whichsailed often from Weymouth to Virginia from at least as early as1711. (Survey Report 9711, Survey Reports,VirginiaColonial Records Project. )

[2] A pavoir literally is a paving stone, but RC seemsto mean a type of wood flooring.

[3] Louis Wright made a tentative reading of thesewords as "tenth (?) item (?) order."

This text revisedDecember 1, 2008.