Robert King Carter's Correspondence and Diary

   A Collection Transcribed
        and Digitized
   by Edmund Berkeley, Jr.

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Electronic Text Center , University of Virginia Library


1720 July 13
Letter from Robert Carter to Joshua Franklyn, 1720 July13

     Robert Carter writes to Bristol merchant Joshua Franklyn, July13, 1720, concerning some bills of exchange, and reporting that hehas shipped 15 hogsheads of tobacco to John King in Bristol, and hadconsigned 10 more to Franklyn's cousin, but since the latter's death,the ship's captain had "Sent me a bill of Lading very magisterialy Consigning my Goods to one of his ownrs." He has directed King to prevent this. He has not collected the small debt due Franklyn fromWilliam Ball. He thanks Franklyn for his condolences on the death ofCarter's wife the previous year, and states, "I . . . propose tomyself to Continue in my Single State until the time comes when Imust put on Immortality."

Letter from Robert Carter to Joshua Franklyn, July 13, 1720

-1 -

Rappahannock, [LancasterCounty, Virginia]

July 13. 1720

Mr. Jos. Franklyn
Sir --

     I rec'd Yors. of the 23d. of octr. wherein You tell
me You had pd mybill to Stamps, I have notrec'd
any Stated Accot. fromYou. However have thot. in a little
time of making another Draft on You for £50.In
wch. hope I shall not Exceed my bounds, I have Shipd
but 25hogsheads to Yor. port this Year 15 to Mr. [John] King the
other 10 was to go toYor. Cozen , butSince his Death
Captn.Sweet hath Sent me a bill of Lading veryma
gisterialy Consigningmy Goods to one of his ownrs.
This Ihave Directed Mr. King toprevent, as soon
as I hear how It Determines there I shallaccordingly
treat Mr. Sweet here, Majr. Ball hath not yett pd.
me Yor. 20/ not from any disowning of the Debt but
I must own fromthe want of my Demanding It the
last business I Transacted business wth. him

     I'm oblig'd to You for Yor. Comassionate [sic] terms of
Condolence however after we have preach'd up all
the Lessons of resignation we are Masters of So long
as wecarry flesh & blood abt. us, naturewill have
It's turns of victory over the best ballanc'dminds
& all our Philosophy will sometimes recoyl [sic] & give ground

-2 -

under such severe tryals. I remain amourner
to this Day, andpropose to myself to Continue in my
Single State until the timecomes when I must put
on Immortality may You be happy in Yor.Conjugal
relation and may the Change Thereof be farr
fromYou is Sinceerly wisht by Yor.

Sir Yor. afft. humble Servt


Source copy consulted: Robert CarterLetter Book, 1720 July-1721 July, BR 227, Huntington Library, ArtCollections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California. Printed:Wright. Letters of Robert Carter. . .. pp. 17-18.

Robert Carter generally used a return address of"Rappahannock" for the river on which he lived rather than"Corotoman," the name of his home, on his correspondence, especiallyto merchants abroad. The county and colony have been added forclarity.

[1] Possibly Richard Franklyn, to whom Joshua Franklinwas apprenticed on February 2, 1693. (McGrath. The Merchants Venturers ofBristol: A History. . . . p. 38. )

[2] RC thanks Franklin for his condolences on thedeath of RC's wife,Elizabeth (Landon) Willis Carter (1684-1719)the previous year.

This text revised November 25,2008.