Robert Carter writes to London merchant Francis Lee, September 17, 1705, that he has received Lee's accounts of the sales of tobacco belonging to the estate of Ralph Wormeley for which Carter is one of several trustees. Carter complains of that "yor Sales in my Esteem hath been very mean" and that other sales have been better. He also notes what he thinks may be errors in the accounts and requests Lee clarify several points. And he reports that he has shipped more tobacco belonging to the estate and will send the cask marks and weights by another ship since the John and Margaret has sailed without giving him bills of lading.
Since my last yours per the Fleet of the 6th of April wth yor Account of
Sales Accot Current & account of Disbursements are come to hand
I'me no further concern'd than in trust for the children
& in their behalf I
cannot forbear taking notice that yor Sales in my Esteem have been very mean
Esquire Wormely's
Tobacco has always had as good a Character as any in the River
Mr Corbin
Sold this very Crop for 10 3/8, 10d 1/2: 11d & 11d 1/2 hath been very common
prices with Several Gentlemen -- for entire Crops together I must likewise take
notice to you that I apprehend there is Some Errrs. in yor Acct particularly in that you do
not allow all the Abatements at the Custom house that are due I've ever
Seen the Articles Distinct 5 per Cent deducted off of one 3 pence & 8
off of the Imposition
you put it all in gro [ss]
& deduct but 5 per Ct --
from the whole Your petty charges also of 6 Shillings wanting 1 pence per hogshead I
think is larger thn usual You're also wrong if I mistake not in your
mmission you take it out of 666 7:6 & I think you
ould take it out of but 648:1:4 wch -- is the neat proceeds of the Sales I do
[not p]
retend to any great understanding in these accots -- if You think
[it wo]
rth while I shall be glad you would clear up these doubts to me
There's now Shipped on board the Jno & Margatte Captain James
Some Tobo of the Estates either 7 or 9 hogsheads I can't tell whe=
=ther I designed as many more & carryd them to his Side but he very fairly
turn'd 'em back & is gone by without giving bill of Lading
This Tobo I intended to Consign to you & desire you to take care about
it you Shall have the marks & wts -- Sent you hereafter --
I've written you my thoughts concerning the coming in of the young
Wormelyes I shall therefore add no further here but that I am Sir