Robert King Carter's Correspondence and Diary

   A Collection Transcribed
        and Digitized
   by Edmund Berkeley, Jr.

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Electronic Text Center , University of Virginia Library


September 17, 1705
Letter from Robert Carter to Thomas Corbin, September 17, 1705

     Robert Carter writes to London merchant Thomas Corbin, September 17, 1705, reporting the safe arrival of goods ordered on behalf of the estate of Ralph Wormeley, and touching briefly on sendingWormeley's sons home from England where they are in school, problems with York River tobacco belonging to the estate, a pipe of wine, and the ship the Crow which had a long passage from Lisbon and which will depart with the fleet.

Letter from Robert Carter to Thomas Corbin , September 17, 1705

Rappa [hannock, Lancaster County, Virginia]

Septr: 17: 17[05]

Mr. Tho Corbin


     This Serves only to acknowledge the Rect. of yor [ . . . ]
goods by the America Benja. Silvester M[aste] r they are landed [at Colonel ]
Churchil for the use of the Estate

     In my Last you had my thoughts concerning yr [sending the]
young Wormelyes to Virga. I shall endeavr to find out [if there]
has not Some tricks been plaid with the York River Tobo I [ . . . ]
I ever heard of their being Nonburner's there

     Ive already hinted to you my receipt of a Pipe of wine on
accott. I'me Obliged to you for yor detail of news Captn. [Jonas] Moo [[lts]] [and]
the Crow had a Pretty long Passage from Lisbon he was with us [ . . . ]
would take nothing less thn 16d per Tun he's loaded I think at tht rat[e]
& now goes away with this Convoy

     Ive recd also yors of the 7th of may in answer to mine per the Eag[le]
Galley wch. being long & altogether foreign to the Affairs of the Es[tate]
I therefore take no further notice of it here but Conclu[de]

Yor. very humble Servt. --


Source copy consulted: Christ Church Parish, Lancaster County, Processioners' Returns, 1711-1783,and Wormeley Estate Papers, 1701-1710, 1716, Acc. 30126, Archives Research Services, Library of Virginia, Richmond, 167.

Robert Carter generally used a return address of "Rappahannock" for the river on which he lived rather than "Corotoman," the name of his home, on his correspondence, especially to merchants abroad. The county and colony have been added for clarity.

[1] The America , according to the 1700 Convoy List, was a London vessel of eighteen men and eighteen guns, commanded by Thomas Graves. A naval officer's return , 1700 February 19-June 24, shows that she had been built at Ipswich in 1691, was 250 tons in size, and was owned by Sir Richard Levett, Robert Bristow, Esq., Arthur Bailey, John Cary, Micajah Perry, Thomas Lane, Anthony [ . . . ] Hope for Bendall and Mary Johnson. ( CO5/1441, ff. 13, found in the microfilms of the Virginia Colonial Records Project, Albert H. Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia. )

[2] RC was among the trustees for the young sons, Ralph (ca. 1681-1714) and John (1689-1727), of Ralph Wormeley after their father's death.

[3] The Crow was a 200-ton vessel with 16 guns. (Naval officer's return for Rappahannock River, 1700 June 24-December 15. CO5/1441. )

This text revised July 10, 2008.