Robert King Carter's Correspondence and Diary

   A Collection Transcribed
        and Digitized
   by Edmund Berkeley, Jr.

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Electronic Text Center , University of Virginia Library


February 26, 1705
Letter from Robert Carter to Thomas Corbin, February 26, 1705

     Robert Carter writes to London merchant Thomas Corbin, February 26, 1705, to thank him for two letters and that he does not know how to respond to Corbin's comments about the "Mattrs. of State," an affair in which Carter is deeply involved. He notes the deaths of William Byrd, David Gwinn, and Robert Tayloe, master of the Corbin, which is being repaired on the bank of Corotoman Creek. In a lengthy postscript dated March 8th, he writes that he has received two more letters from Corbin, one via Barbados and the other through Pennsylvania which he suspects was opened. He is pleased with the sale of the Rappahannock tobacco but cannot comment on the needed work on the Corbin about which Corbin's brother will be better able to write him; he adds that the present master of the ship, Richard Cudlip, is not well qualified for the work.

Letter from Robert Carter to Thomas Corbin , February 26, 1705

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[Rappahannock, Lancaster County, Virginia]
Mr. Thos. Corbin
Febry. the. 26th. 1704/5


     I am Indebted to you for two Lettrs. Since my Last
writing, Those parts that Relate to Mattrs. of State
I Don't know how to give a fitt Answer to it falls to my Share
to be Deeply Concern'd in a Cause that I Call the Countrys that I
drew my first breath in wch must End either in Victory or the Ruin of thm.
who have made the attempt.

which I Suppose you and a great many Others have Other thoughts
of but the Event will prove who hath bin in the Right.

     I have Little to Say at this Time Relating to the young
Wormeleys Affairs. I know 'twill be no News to you to give you
an Accot. of Robt. Tayloes Death of Major. Gwins Death
or of Collo. Birds Death or of the Corbins being upon the Careen
in my Creek.

[P. S.] March the. 8th. 1704/5

Since the Above I have Recd. Two more Lettrs.
from you One the 14th. of 8ber, the Other the 6th of Janry.
of all the Rest you Mention none Come to hand Saving
those two by the way of Barbadoes am very Suspicious
What you writt by the way of Pensilvania hath Come under the
Managmt of Some of the Northern Engineers. Am
Glad to hear you have made So good a Sale of the Rappa [hannock] .
Tobo. Its much that you had from yourk Should fall soe
much Short I know not what to Say abt. the Corbin
Yor. brother is the fittest Man to give Satisfaction to the Persons
Concern'd they all Live out of my way, I shall offer my
best arguments the first Time I see any of them & acquaint thm.
what you Write 'Tis your Misfortune to have a Master that is but In=
differently Quallified for the post he is in how it will be help'd
I know not. The Shipps Bottome is in good order; and She might
be Quickly upon Loading were there any Boddy [sic] to Drive on her

Your most humble obedient Servt.

I thank you for the Offer of Some Madera wine may be a Chapman for
Some when it Comes. Shall not add more but that I am Sr.


Source copy consulted: Christ Church Parish, Lancaster County, Processioners' Returns, 1711-1783,and Wormeley Estate Papers, 1701-1710, 1716, Acc. 30126, Archives Research Services, Library of Virginia, Richmond, 162. Extract printed William and Mary Quarterly 1st. ser., 17(1909): 257.

[1] Robert Tayloe of London, commander of the Corbin , seems to have been a brother of William Tayloe of Richmond County, and also of Joseph Tayloe of Lancaster County. He died on this voyage to Virginia. He was succeeded in command by Richard Cudlip, the mate, of whom RC had a very low opinion.

[2] David Gwynn of Richmond County

[3] Careening was a process by which an unloaded ship was run aground on a sandy beach or a soft creek bank and, with ropes tied to her masts, pulled onto her side. The ship's bottom was thus exposed, especially at low tide, for repairs, cleaning, or caulking.

[4] A chapman is a peddlar or merchant.

This text revised June 30, 2008.