Robert King Carter's Correspondence and Diary

   A Collection Transcribed
        and Digitized
   by Edmund Berkeley, Jr.

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Electronic Text Center , University of Virginia Library


July 20, 1703
Letter from Robert Carter to Francis Lee, July 20, 1703

     Robert Carter writes to London merchant Francis Lee that he is shipping 8 hogsheads of tobacco belonging to the estate of Ralph Wormeley, not a good crop but what there is. He notes that Lee must be very careful with the expenses of Wormeley's sons, then in school under Lee's supervision, because the revenues of the estate are poor.

Letter from Robert Carter to Francis Lee , July 20, 1703

-1 -

Rappa[hannock, Lancaster County, Virginia]

July 20, 1703

     This Covers a Bill of Lading for 8 hogsheads of tobacco on Board the
Richard and Mary Phillip Francklin Master belonging to the Estate
of Esquire Wormeley Deceas'd, God Knows it is a poor Matter yet a great
part of what was made Last Year, for my own part you
know I Live over a great River and no Body Else Concerns them=
selves with any Thing, my kind Respects to my Cousins . I heartily
Wish they were big Enough to do their Own Business, I have Received
Several Letters from you with your Account of their Disbursements, you
may see by their Small Revenues there is a Necessity of Retrenching
their Expences all that Conveniently may be I am Sir

Your Loving Countryman and humble Servant


Source copy consulted: Christ Church Parish, Lancaster County, Processioners' Returns, 1711-1783,and Wormeley Estate Papers, 1701-1710, 1716, Acc. 30126, Archives Research Services, Library of Virginia, Richmond, 158.

Robert Carter generally used a return address of "Rappahannock" for the river on which he lived rather than "Corotoman," the name of his home, on his correspondence, especially to merchants abroad. The county and state have been added for clarity.

[1] Carter often referred to in their youth as his "Cozns." Ralph Wormeley (ca. 1681-1714), Ralph Wormeley's (d.1701) oldest son; and John Wormeley (1689-1727) because their parents were his brother-and sister-in-law. He was one of the boys' trustees under their father's will.

This text revised June 10, 2008.