Robert King Carter's Correspondence and Diary

   A Collection Transcribed
        and Digitized
   by Edmund Berkeley, Jr.

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Electronic Text Center , University of Virginia Library


Letter from Robert Carter to Micajah and Richard Perry, July14, 1720

     Robert Carter writes to London merchants Micajah and RichardPerry, July 14, 1720, concerning the Northern Neck Proprietary,expressing surprize that there is a young male heir as he had thoughtthe line extinct. He admonishes them to remember when negotiating forhim about leasing the Proprietary that the prices of tobacco in whichthe lease rents are paid are falling and that the next lessor cannotequal Edmund Jening's financial success with a lease.

Letter from Robert Carter to Micajah
and Richard Perry, July 14, 1720

-1 -

Rappahannock, [LancasterCounty, Virginia]
July 14th. 1720
Messrs. Perry

Gent -- --

     I have Yors. relateing to the Northern Neck & Collo.
Cage's Lettr. to You. Youmention a Young Lord That has the right
I thot. all the Male heirs had bin Extinct however It be, If
YouTransact any thing in my behalf pray remember th [e]
Tobos. These rents are pd in is upon the Decline may probably
Soon come to the old Price4 & 5/ perCt. [sic] , Colo. Jenings hath had
A fine time of It whoever is hissuccessor must not expect
such good Luck

I am Gentlemen
Yor. mosthum [ble] Servt.


Source copy consulted: Robert CarterLetter Book, 1720 July-1721 July, BR 227, Huntington Library, ArtCollections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California. Printed:Wright. Letters of Robert Carter. . .. pp. 22.

Robert Carter generally used a return address of"Rappahannock" for the river on which he lived rather than"Corotoman," the name of his home, on his correspondence, especiallyto merchants abroad. The county and colony have been added forclarity.

[1] per 100 pounds

This text revised December 12, 2008.